Greetings to all Astor neighbors, as once again it is fall in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The days are cooling and becoming shorter, children are back to school, and the birds are migrating through our neighborhood. The Astor neighborhood is a magical place in the fall as we watch many species of birds migrate through our skies, and even into our gardens and yards. Although not migratory, I have personally noticed a resurgence of Blue Jays in my trees and around the neighborhood. The foliage is becoming beautiful and vibrant, and summer is fading away.
With fall our awareness heightens as again we yield to children and parents in crosswalks and cars scurrying to get their students to school on time. Monroe Avenue is even busier now with three schools in a one mile stretch and we all have to exercise patience and restraint during the times before and after school to ensure the safety of all who use their feet and bikes to get to school. This becomes even more important as it will soon be darker in the morning and af ternoon.
I also want to take a moment to thank our board members and the superb volunteers who worked the concessions at the Green Bay City Band concerts this summer. “Popcorn in the Park” was once again successful in raising funds for upcoming events and neighborhood projects. One such project we are reviving is “If Homes Could Talk” an Astor Neighborhood Walking Tour that would combine architectural information and stories of our historical properties. There will be more to come on this in the next newsletter. If any Astor neighbors have had any past dealings with events like this, or would like to be involved in this project, please contact our board member Deby Dehn.
As we approach the holiday season, we are all looking forward to luminaries lit in front of the beautiful homes of our neighborhood. Jen has more to say on this topic. And last but not least, please read the paragraph about this year’s Astor Neighborhood Wine Tasting event; we hope to make it the most successful yet. (Astor Fall 2016 Newsletter)
May you all enjoy this beautiful time of year with your family, friends, and neighbors and please feel free to stop in to attend any of our board meetings - always on the third Monday of the month.
Best Regards,
Ron Dehn
President, Astor Neighborhood Association