08.24.2016 - Please join us for our third annual Movie in the Park!  Wednesday, August 24 at dusk in St. James Park. Bring a blanket and enjoy some popcorn while watching our movie, The Sandlot.


09.01.2016 - The ANA will be hosting the Back to School Picnic. This event is always on the first day of school. This year, it’ll be on Thursday, September 1st, 6:00 p.m.  at St. James Park.  There will burgers, hot dogs, pasta salad, potato salad, and beans. If you'd like to contribute a dish to the potluck, please do! Bring your appetite and get a chance to catch up with your neighbors.

NewsEric Vandeveld
Request for Input

Hello Astor Neighbors, Alderman Bill Galvin has asked ANA and other surrounding Associations to gather our thoughts on the possible expansion of a full liquor license in the location of 1215 E. Mason Street. This location is currently run as Tobacco Outlet Plus owned by Kwik Trip, but has recently been acquired by the Heraly family.

The Heraly family owns other businesses in Green Bay, and they have taken the time and effort to reach out to all surrounding Neighborhood Associations in attempting to gain local support for their project. Annually, they support numerous community events in Green Bay.

Though this property lies outside the borders of the Astor Neighborhood, it is being discussed at the request of Alderman Galvin. If you have any strong thoughts on the matter, please contact Mr. Galvin or any board member you may know personally.

Ron Dehn
President, Astor Neighborhood Association

President's Message

I would like to take a moment to introduce myself to all the residents of Astor, and share just a little of why I was interested in being the president of this Association. My wife Deby and I live at 1010 S. Jackson Street. I have already met some of you at the wine tasting event in January at the “red” house, where I had the opportunity to converse with so many nice neighbors. It’s comforting to know how many generous people support such worthy causes; it was an honor to be your host. We have numerous items to consider as an Association, and as a neighborhood. This summer, we will be surrounded by construction on both Webster and Monroe Avenues, which will put pressure on our internal neighborhood streets. We are also continuing to monitor and tweak the speeding issue on Monroe where there are three schools in a one-mile stretch.

Also at hand is the future of plans to form a Certified Local Government status within Green Bay’s Historical neighborhoods, a status that would or will affect homeowners’ rights and abilities to upgrade and change their home’s external appearance, and will also modify the process of obtaining building permits. As an association, we will be attempting to work within the drafting process, so that as a board, we can take a stance of whether or not to recommend this status to neighbors of Astor; it is a balance between power and reason.

Please feel free to contact me with your thoughts and opinions on any subject facing the neighborhood going forward, as I brush up on my facts and history of Astor. I look forward to meeting many more of you along the way.

Ron Dehn
President, Astor Neighborhood Association

Neighborhood Utility Project Update

The utility markings in the 700 blk of S. Jackson are for a neighbor who is going to be doing some yard work. The sidewalk cuttings, utility markings and new pipe being done in the area of Grignon to Eliza and Webster to Van Buren are for three different projects. The first is for WPS who are putting in new gas lines and services. This may necessitate some sidewalks being damaged. The second is that in anticipation of that, city contractors are going through that area to prep and repair damaged sidewalk from this event and look for other areas of sidewalk that need replacing. The third is TDS is installing a fiber optic connection to a Residence in the area of Van Buren and Grignon.

On another note, the scheduled reconstruction of Van Buren St. from Grignon to Porlier has been set back at least one year. The reconstruction of Porlier between Van Buren and Webster and Webster between E. Mason and Grignon is still set to start sometime after the Bellin Run.

Submitted by Bill Galvin Alderman - District 4